Author & Address
Responses of soil C pools to combined warming and altered precipitation regimes: A meta-analysis
Fuzhong Wu
Key Laboratory for Humid Subtropical Eco-Geographical Processes of the Ministry of Education, School of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, China
Time period
Major taxa studied
Soil organic C pools.
Main conclusion
Schematic of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) inputs and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) in the soil system. The blue arrows and text represent the sources of DOC, and the microbes in red represent MBC. The brown blob of matter is soil organic matter (SOM), and the green matter is dissolved organic matter (DOM).
Characteristics of the study sites selected for the meta-analysis. (a) Distribution of study sites at the global scale, (b) mean annual temperature and precipitation of study sites, and (c) density observed by soil depth.
Conceptual diagram of interaction types. Treatments are hypothetical control, individual warming (W) and individual increased precipitation (IP). The effect of treatment W is the change in response due to W above the baseline effect of the control (W − control), shown in blue. Similarly, the effect of treatment IP is the change in response due to IP above the baseline effect of the control (IP − control), shown in purple. An interaction of combined treatment (W + IP) is additive if the response to the application of both W and IP is the sum of the effects of both treatments above baseline (response = (W + IP) − control). The dashed black line shows this additive prediction. The interaction is synergistic if the response is greater than the sum of the effects of both treatments (response > (W + IP) − control), which is depicted in green. The interaction is antagonistic if the response is less than the sum of the effects of both treatments (response < (W + IP) − control), depicted in yellow.
Individual and combined effects of warming and altered precipitation regimes on soil C pools. Effects of warming (W), increased precipitation (IP), combined warming and increased precipitation (W + IP) (top), decreased precipitation (DP), and combined warming and decreased precipitation (W + DP) (bottom) on (a, d) soil organic carbon (SOC), (b, e) dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and (c, f) microbial biomass carbon (MBC) are shown. Results are expressed as the percentage change relative to the control (%). Solid yellow dots indicate the significant positive effects, solid green dots indicate the significant negative effects and solid purple dots indicate the non-significant effects. Values indicate the means with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and n indicates the number of observations. The vertical dashed lines are zero lines.
Interactive effects of warming and altered precipitation regimes on soil C pools. Effects of combined warming and increased precipitation (W + IP) and combined warming and decreased precipitation (W + DP) on (a) soil organic carbon (SOC), (b) dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and (c) microbial biomass carbon (MBC) are revealed using the weighted mean Hedges' d and the corresponding frequency distribution of interaction types among individual observations. Values represent means with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and the number of observations is given along the y-axis.
Individual and interactive effects of warming and altered precipitation among different ecosystem types. Effects of warming (W), increased precipitation (IP), decreased precipitation (DP), combined warming and increased precipitation (W + IP), and combined warming and decreased precipitation (W + DP) on (a, d) soil organic carbon (SOC), (b, e) dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and (c, f) microbial biomass carbon (MBC) are shown. Interactive effects of warming and altered precipitation on (g) soil organic carbon (SOC), (h) dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and (i) microbial biomass carbon (MBC) have been revealed using the weighted mean Hedges' d in different ecosystems. Significant (α < ) Qb (between-group heterogeneity) indicates that the response ratios differ among ecosystems. Values represent means with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and the number of observations is given along the y-axis. The vertical dashed lines are zero lines.